Animation Project Proposal &
(Interim Version - Deadline on Week 7, 14 October 2016)
everything in a single PDF to both CANVAS and to your advisor by email.
“Friday! Let’s Party!”
Course Code & Name
SM2288 Independent Animation Project (16-17, Semester A)
Project Nature
Student Info.
Hoi Kei
Mobile No : 63530202
Advisor Info.
Hattler Max
Version &
Date of Creation: |
Interim Version : 1
student is required to complete ALL mandatory sections form 1 – 13 as follows
by typing on this MS Word document. When complete, please use File > Save As... then select Save As Type = PDF as the file format
for submission to CANVAS and email it to your advisor on or before the deadline.
If the student have any additional materials for
submission, such as Character Design and Development document, please combine
them into one single PDF for submission.
Indicative contents (All
- Production
Title in both English and Chinese
- Director’s Statement
of Intention (Background, source of inspiration,
concept, insight, aims/objectives and scope)
- Animation Type, Creative/Artistic
and Technical Elements of the Proposed Project.
- Concept/Premise (one sentence of the central
- Synopsis
- Running Length
- Mind Map (Concept Map)
- Visual Theme & Visualization (The
intended final look, style and feel of the final work)
- Screenplay (for storytelling animation)
/ Visual Structure Mapping (non-storytelling animation and mood piece)
- Mood Board (Emotional Feeling with Tone, Manner and Style) per Drama Block/Scene/Shot/Event
- Concept Art Design (e.g. character sheet, props sheet, visual
design of background, layers, set, scene… etc. with full color and texture)
- Storyboard
- Production Workflow, Feasibility Study & Test Items
- Pre-Production &
Production & Schedule (The milestones of your project, and how you expect to schedule your
time; the milestones you have established, showing what should have been
completed at each milestone)
Note: Please notice the gray texts are tips and examples to aid the
student to complete this document.
Please delete and replace the gray texts with your own
words in black color.
Please do not include any gray texts in your submission.
Sections in green color is for inputting visual elements
like image, photo and drawing.
1. Production Title in both English and Chinese
Friday! Let’s party
2. Director’s Statement of Intention
Please write an abstract of 300 - 500 words to illustrate the background,
source of inspiration, concept, insight, aims/objectives and scope of the
proposed animation project
Friday is a special day for workers and students,
because after a week in non-stop working, there will be a two-days off for
them to take a rest. When the workers finish their job on Fridays, they may
gather their friends at night and do not have to worry to wake up early
morning for work next day, they can enjoy the Friday night and will feel satisfy
that they can start their holiday in weekends. However, sometimes if the work
is not finish on time, the workers may need to work over time that day. It
will be exhausted to exceed working time especially on Friday night.
According to this situation in the society, the
animation story will talk about a Friday night in an office. It will start by
a scene of workers are finish working, one employee is starting to pack up it
stuffs. When they stand up and about to leave at seven o’clock, the
supervisor suddenly comes out from it’s room and deliver a pile of files and
order the worker to finish the exceeded job tonight, then the supervisor returns
to it’s room and turn on the and listens to classical music. Some are angry
because they are exhausted and stressful to work for a whole week, and desire
for the end of this working period for so long. They feel completely lost
when they realize they have to keep working. Within unsatisfied emotion, they
revolt once and mess up in the office, they make up a crazy party and end
until the supervisor discovers the messy environment.
The story will be an exaggerate and funny story for the audience who
have the same desire feeling of Friday night and same experience of working
over time. The characters in the story do exaggerated things, with hyper emotion
and ridiculous behavior, can give a interesting perspective for the audience.
Visual Reference:
3. Animation
Type, Creative/Artistic and Technical Elements
of the Proposed Project
Please describe the creative/artistic and technical elements
of the proposed project.
Animation Type:
Creative/Artistic Elements:
I will use clear graphics and colors to produce
the animation. The usage of color creates a unity visual of the animation, so
it may constant by maximum of three colors. A unique background music will be
produced, to match with the changing emotion in different part of animation.
Technical Elements:
2D Hand-drawn, Computer graphic
4. Concept/Premise
Please write a one sentence of the central idea with not more
than 10 words.
It is Friday! Let’s have a party!
5. Synopsis
Please write a short paragraph of synopsis with not more than 100
The character of the story is a group of office worker. The
background of the animation will be taken in an office in a Friday night,
while it is seven o'clock for the characters to get off work. The first one
(can be a main character) pack up it's bag, going to leave and feels
excited because it is going to have a great Friday night and going to rest
for two days. However, the supervisor suddenly announces them to work over
time tonight. They feel exhausted to work whole day and just want to enjoy a
Friday night, they have a crazy thought of doing things mad to express their
anger, so the party begins.
6. Running Length
3 Minutes
8. Visual Theme & Visualization
please list out the most interesting keywords generated from your mind map.
define a Visual Theme to help visualizing those keywords. The Visual Theme is
a simple sentence for defining a specific look, feel and style related to
life, society, human nature, music or things that have specific styles. For
example, “Baroque Style” and “Hong Kong 60’s” are a good example to define
specific look, feel and style for a certain period, social and cultural.
(Note: Multiple cultures could be mixed and clashed in a Visual Theme)
Finally, associate the
Visual Theme and the keywords together, then visualize them with a collage of
visual elements like images, photos, graphic, typography…etc.
List of interesting Keywords
from the Mind Map
Hyper, Friday
Visual Theme
workplace in 21st century
Visualization of the Visual Theme and Keywords
9. Screenplay (for storytelling animation) /
Visual Structure Map (non-storytelling animation)
breakdown from treatment by event, location, mood, style, tone, manner and
character, etc. into scenes. To write what audiences will see and what they
will hear and feel. Please check the screenwriting format here:
non-storytelling animation and mood piece, please prepare a set of visual
structure map and paste below. (Note: Please check the given example files)
Screenplay (for storytelling animation)
INT. Office – Night
Mood: Peaceful
Character: Workers
Fade in
A wide shot of the whole office,
workers are working. Zoom to a calendar, then switch to the workers, which
some are staring at the computer, one is flipping the folders, one is eating
chips. (8s)
INT. Office – Night
Mood: Peaceful
Character: Workers
It changes into eight o’clock, the
clock rings. Office lady A looks at the clock and immediately put down the
paper. She stretches her arms. The worker next by invite her to leave
together. They pack up the things quickly and stand up. (10s)
INT. Office – Night
Mood: Sudden
Character: Workers, Supervisor
When they stand up, the supervisor
suddenly opens the door and leave the room at the same time, the workers
freeze out. The supervisor takes out a pile of folders, and order them to
finish these assignments immediately. The supervisor returns to it’s room,
close the door, turn on the music and take a nap. (13s)
INT. Office – Night
Mood: Annoy
Character: Workers
The workers back to their seats and
they feel grumpy. Office lady A stars at the room and feel annoyed to the
music. Her phone rings up while she is reading the papers, which is her
boyfriend’s call. She does not listen to the phone. She flips the paper fast,
while someone is typing the computer so hardly. (18s)
INT. Office – Night
Mood: Excite
Character: Workers
The background melody of the
animation starts when she closes up the folder hardly and snaps the folders
on the desk. Someone knock the table by pens. Someone clip hands. One tear
off the biscuit box. Office lady A rip the papers off from the file and throw
them up. (10s)
INT. Office – Night
Mood: Excite
Character: Workers
The papers flow down, a motorbike
rush in and deliver with a pizza. They pull the pizza and cheese comes out. A
paper plane flies out and cut off the cheese. It changes into a dart and
flies toward a circle. (10s)
INT. Office – Night
Mood: Excite
Character: Workers
The circle is the logo of a plant,
it drops down and knock on a man’s head. The man feels dizzy and fall on the
scanner of the printer, and printer print out a bunch of flowers. One takes
the flowers and blow out the petals. (20s)
INT. Office – Night
Mood: Excite
Character: Workers
The petals gather into a bottle of
wine, it falls down and spread out into glasses of wines. The worker holds
the glasses and cheer up. (10s)
INT. Office – Night
Mood: Excite
Character: Workers
They have crazy up. One put down the
wine cup, and walk dizzy. One is swinging by the lamp on the roof. some
keeping tearing the papers from folders. A cleaner is cleaning up the mess in
a corner. Sound can here from the outside of the building. (13s)
INT. Office – Night
Mood: Excite
Character: Workers
One has tied up a tie on his eyes.
He throws a ball out towards another person, who is holding a folder on his
hand. The ball is hit by the folder and bounce on the computer monitors, pass
by a worker’s head and going to crunch toward to the window glass of the
supervisor’s room. (13s)
INT. Office – Night
Mood: Crazy
Character: Workers, supervisor
Office lady immediately grabs a hat.
Two men bow down, she steps on their knee and jump up. She catches the ball
with the hat. Office lady land down with a prefect posture with excitement
while the suddenly the door open and the supervisor is starring in front of
her. They all freeze down. (17s)
Ending Scene (4s)
INT. Office – Night
Mood: Peaceful
Character: Workers
Office lady continue doing her work
with untidy dressing, while a cleaner is cleaning the mess, and one worker is
still drunk on the floor beside Office lady A and burp. (7s)
Please add row as need…
11. Concept Art Design
(e.g. character sheet, props sheet, visual design of
background, layers, set, scene… etc. with full color and texture)
12. Storyboard
use the given storyboard template to prepare your storyboard with Image Resolution: 300dpi (2224px x 3152px) in PNG image format, and place them on the next
pages. Please read the “Using storyBoardForm to create animatic.rtf”
draw the storyboard in sequence from top to down. On
each page of the storyboard, you must indicate the scene number, shot number
and page number in the given field. For example, for 30 seconds production,
the number of frame in your storyboard should be around 24 frames. For 3
minutes production, the number of frame in your storyboard should not less
than 30 frames. For 5 minutes production, the number of frame in your
storyboard should not less than 60 frames. (Note: The total number of frames is all depends on pace and rhythm
of the film)
13. Production
Workflow, Feasibility Study & Test Items
Please write a description of your production workflow and how
you conduct the feasibility study and test in 300 - 500 words. The student
may use image or follow chart to help explain it as need.
Production Workflow:
Firstly, I will finish the storyboard. Then I
will make 2D animatic. Frame to Frame visual will start drawing after the 2D animatic.
Color up the graphics, and start to produce the background music for the
animation. Lastly combine both visual and music into an animation video.
Software Tools:
For visual, I will use Adobe Illustratora to
create the graphics and color up, Adobe Photoshop for graphic and frames
editing and Adobe Aftereffect to combine the images. For background music, I
will use Cubase and Logic Pro to produce the music and sound editing.
Hardware Tools:
I may need to use a Computer for animation
editing and may need a light box to draw transiting frames. A location
microphone may be needed for Foley sound. Also, I have to use piano keyboard
with link to the computer for music production.
Feasibility Study & Test Items:
For the three seconds animation study, I may
choose one from Scene7_shot 7 / Scene 8_shot 1-2 / Scene6_shot2, which they
maintain three seconds per each shot. It is a study for the fluency of
animation and the modification of frames.
14. Pre-Production Schedule
Please replace the Task Name with your actual task name. Please remove the sample colour bar and input the task
duration with your fill colour and duration.
Sept. – Nov. 2016
2D Animatic (Interim)
Visual Pre-Production (character & story board)
2D Animatic (Final)
Final Visualize (coloring and visual editing)
14. Production Schedule/Timetable
Please replace the Task Name with your actual task name. Please remove the sample colour bar and input the task
duration with your fill colour and duration.
Jan. – April 2017
Visual of GT Project
Sound of GT project